SmartBiz Ai Selection

The (BBOA) Great Britain Business Review Board Inc. has a mission to identify and promote consumer-centric businesses across Britain. We use SmartBiz Ai which is our state of the art artificial intelligence program that searches the web and social media for the best businesses in the country.

Initial Selection

As of 2020, our assessment process places priority on Google review ratings holding a 4+ star average; we will consider equivalent proof of strength in customer satisfaction practices should strong reviews on other reputable platforms be presented.

Note: as of 2023 all applications will come second to businesses scouted by SmartBiz Ai and Nominations.

Reinforcement of Purchase

All member businesses have the opportunity to respond to BBOA consumer feedback (submitted through our Feedback Form) for proactive resolution and retention of membership privileges.

Should a business with a strong review rating be the subject of multiple unresolved customer complaints, the business’ membership and listing will be terminated for the remainder of the year. Businesses that incur membership termination may apply for membership in the following year.

Robust Data Analysis

SmartBiz Ai utilizes advanced data analysis techniques to evaluate businesses. It gathers and analyzes a vast amount of data from various online sources, including websites, social media platforms, customer reviews, and industry-specific platforms. By employing robust algorithms and machine learning models, SmartBiz Ai can identify patterns, trends, and indicators of excellence, ensuring a comprehensive and objective assessment of businesses.

Note: as of 2023 all applications will come second to businesses scouted by SmartBiz Ai and Nominations.

Robust Data Analysis

The selection process of SmartBiz Ai is based on objective evaluation criteria developed by BBOA. These criteria are carefully designed to focus on key performance indicators and quality benchmarks that determine a business’s credibility and excellence. By using predefined criteria, SmartBiz Ai maintains consistency and fairness in the evaluation process, reducing the potential for bias and subjective judgments.

Note: as of 2023 all applications will come second to businesses scouted by SmartBiz Ai and Nominations.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

SmartBiz Ai is an adaptive system that continuously learns and improves its evaluation capabilities. Through ongoing updates and refinements, it incorporates feedback from user interactions, industry developments, and changing market dynamics. This iterative approach ensures that SmartBiz Ai stays up-to-date with evolving business trends and maintains a high level of accuracy and reliability in selecting exceptional businesses.

Note: as of 2023 all applications will come second to businesses scouted by SmartBiz Ai and Nominations.


Members that have successfully retained their current term’s membership will automatically receive renewal. In the case of negative feed back detected by SmartBiz Ai businesses will receive an email to dispute removal from directory.


If you know a business with a 4+ star Google review rating or equivalent, you may submit an application to nominate the business for BBOA verification.